This worked pretty well until at a time this game is having issues. I'd wanna fix this crashing game it's good to play but will not work until it is fixed (I sent this thing down in my comment. pls fix it).
Look.. if I wanted to make it function it will not because of the lack trying to get it fixed. There is no way opening it so many times will fix it. Whatever you say, it will not open(seriously I opened it and when it loaded or not it crashes at the moment)
It was on the current version I was. It worked only once a day then stops for no reason. Sometimes I don't understand how my game still has no function(the way I'm tired of being hanged waiting to play on my laptop is goin' pain and nerves all over my place)
it's all Russian language. I don't even know why is it Russian...
I don't think it's ok for me (screw this, I'd better play on the phone).At least it works on the phone but the just ads there's more than that, getting the hang of closing them once the round ends or quit because it sucks on a server that comes out boring and/or impossible to find the last mini crewmate on a big map, at least you made the game an improvement that's all I'm sayin'. I like the content of the game being scary and it's not really bad. Hope you make this game the best one to achieve that you are cool so...stay cool bro. I like this game, apreciating it, just good enough content matters).
I know that this is a big ol' text I wrote but I still hope you do the best. I don't really matter with the ads, on mobile it makes me wanna jump but on the get the point I don't hate it but I hate that it crashed. RIP
Yes, everyone does. Make sure the 86x version and not the 64x, because the 64x version doesn't work for shortcutting, even if it doesn't work from crashing the game.The 86x version is much better for reasons and you can use the shortcut by copying the file with the game on it, then click once, right click, then click to "send to ->DESKTOP-shortcut". And when in shortcut, click twice the thing and it should work.
I really Recommend this Game, Theres a Lot of modes and The best part Ever is the Multiplayer game, man, i Really loved this game, I really Liked it, And theres Android Version which is Really good, One of the Best among us Games that i Played
Possible solution to problems with the PC version of the game:
1. Check what folder the game is installed in. There should not be any special characters in putin to the game folder. For example "C:\Users\пользователь\Desktop\игры". Here "игры" and "пользователь" is an unacceptable character. The path to the game must consist only of english (Latin) letters, for example "C:\Games\".
This was a genius creation filled with love and creativity. I love this game, and my many friends loved it too. The imposter was a little too hot though, I kinda had to stop and take a "break" a couple times... Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE 9.8/10!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you for your feedback! I like the idea of the multi-colored player markers and will think about adding it to the game. The new map and new game mode will be available early next year.
Online on PC is available and christmas event! Collect golden gifts online and get a unique skin and coins! Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday. Added statistics window. Fixed camera bugs, as well as the ghost can now share batteries with players.
Halloween update! Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this event, dress up your spaceman with hats and new glass and costume skins. Also meet the new online mode - Zombie. In this mode, if an imposter catches a player, he also becomes an imposter.
← Return to game
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This time I decided to add an x86 version of the game for Windows. It does NOT work accounts and news.
This worked pretty well until at a time this game is having issues. I'd wanna fix this crashing game it's good to play but will not work until it is fixed (I sent this thing down in my comment. pls fix it).
all you have to do is delete UnityCrashhandler
after deleting it will work fine but it crashes sometime opening after deleting it so open 2-5 times
(hope it helped)
I tested out and it still crashes after 6 times. Still no function on this game :(
open so many times
Look.. if I wanted to make it function it will not because of the lack trying to get it fixed. There is no way opening it so many times will fix it. Whatever you say, it will not open(seriously I opened it and when it loaded or not it crashes at the moment)
Hi, how often does this problem occur? Was it on previous versions?
It was on the current version I was. It worked only once a day then stops for no reason. Sometimes I don't understand how my game still has no function(the way I'm tired of being hanged waiting to play on my laptop is goin' pain and nerves all over my place)
If the game still doesn't work for you, you can play in your browser here
I don't think it's ok for me
(screw this, I'd better play on the phone).At least it works on the phone but the just ads there's more than that, getting the hang of closing them once the round ends or quit because it sucks on a server that comes out boring and/or impossible to find the last mini crewmate on a big map, at least you made the game an improvement that's all I'm sayin'. I like the content of the game being scary and it's not really bad. Hope you make this game the best one to achieve that you are cool so...stay cool bro. I like this game, apreciating it, just good enough content matters).I know that this is a big ol' text I wrote but I still hope you do the best. I don't really matter with the ads, on mobile it makes me wanna jump but on the get the point I don't hate it but I hate that it crashed. RIP
About the rest of the comments, I'll keep that in mind, thank you.
Are you using a shortcut to access the game?
Yes, everyone does. Make sure the 86x version and not the 64x, because the 64x version doesn't work for shortcutting,
even if it doesn't work from crashing the game.The 86x version is much better for reasons and you can use the shortcut by copying the file with the game on it, then click once, right click, then click to "send to ->DESKTOP-shortcut". And when in shortcut, click twice the thing and it should work.Hope it helps. :)
Remember where are you are gonna put it, try place it into the "downloads", it'll be quick for you.
I believe you answered your own question...
The game crashes if running with a shortcut.
I really Recommend this Game, Theres a Lot of modes and The best part Ever is the Multiplayer game, man, i Really loved this game, I really Liked it, And theres Android Version which is Really good, One of the Best among us Games that i Played
Fun game love it thanks 👍🙂
32 bit?
Possible solution to problems with the PC version of the game:
1. Check what folder the game is installed in. There should not be any special characters in putin to the game folder. For example "C:\Users\пользователь\Desktop\игры". Here "игры" and "пользователь" is an unacceptable character. The path to the game must consist only of english (Latin) letters, for example "C:\Games\".
2. Your system may also lack the .NET framework, you can download it here (
3. If you have Windows 7, that may be the problem and you should upgrade to a newer version of Windows.
Best game
game theory
ghost mode on windows is broken move pls fix it
Can move in ghost mode on Windows
First of all SnowBat how long took you made this App Game
This was a genius creation filled with love and creativity. I love this game, and my many friends loved it too. The imposter was a little too hot though, I kinda had to stop and take a "break" a couple times... Anyways, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS MASTERPIECE 9.8/10!!!!!!!!!!!!
среди нас очень сус хе-хе-хе
среди нас очень сус хе-хе-хе
среди нас очень сус хе-хе-хе
среди нас очень сус хе-хе-хе
среди нас очень сус хе-хе-хе
среди нас очень сус хе-хе-хе
Excuse me??? Did you just say the imposter was a little to hot??? Whoah....
Wait the imposter was what
среди нас очень сус хе-хе-хе
como lo actualizo?
glad you like it because I like it too :D
Thank you for your feedback! I like the idea of the multi-colored player markers and will think about adding it to the game. The new map and new game mode will be available early next year.
Online on PC is available and christmas event! Collect golden gifts online and get a unique skin and coins! Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday. Added statistics window. Fixed camera bugs, as well as the ghost can now share batteries with players.
this is epic
Halloween update! Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this event, dress up your spaceman with hats and new glass and costume skins. Also meet the new online mode - Zombie. In this mode, if an imposter catches a player, he also becomes an imposter.
I am a 3d modeler and I would like to talk to you, could you give me an email or preferably some other way to communicate with you?