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Hi. I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the "Mafia" game mode. My main complaint is regarding players who do not have an account, as they do not know how to play properly and just play for the sake of playing.

The complaints that I have gathered with my friends in the game are as follows:

1. Voting without reasoning:

It is very common for players to vote without using logic. I have witnessed cases where an impostor kills in front of everyone and yet they vote for any other player but the culprit. In fact, I have been voted out first without any reason, preventing me from enjoying the game. No matter what role I have, I am always the first target of these clueless players.

Furthermore, they do not use the chat to discuss who to vote for, nor do they even give a minimal reason for doing so. They simply vote at random, without any strategy.

2. Lack of game knowledge:

On many occasions, players do not seem to understand the basic rules of the game. I have seen them ignore a murder that happens right in front of their eyes, or even stay at the meeting table during the cooldown time without doing anything.

There is also a bug with the emergency button, which allows players to use it unlimitedly, regardless of the usage limit.

3. Misuse of the trapdoor:

The trapdoor, which serves to slow down the impostor for a few seconds, is a very useful tool. However, players without an account use it incorrectly. Instead of using it when the impostor is chasing them, they lock themselves in with it, wasting a valuable resource.

In short, players without an account ruin the gaming experience in Mafia mode. Their lack of knowledge and strategy makes it impossible to enjoy the game.

I believe it would be necessary to implement an informative message at the beginning of the mode, explaining the basic rules of the game and the actions that can and cannot be performed. This would help to avoid these problems and allow players to enjoy Mafia mode in a peaceful and fair way.

If you have encountered any of these problems while playing Mafia, like this message (not required).

My friends who helped me create this comment:


Wow, thanks for the detailed and cool review. 

In the latest version of the game, when creating a server you can select "server for account players only", so you will only play with players who already know the game better than newbies.  Also in the list of servers you can choose to show only servers for players with an account.

About the 2nd point, I think I need to add full tutorials to the game and hopefully I can do it soon.


hi i have a problem i use 32 bit pc version but i wanna a register i c'ant!! i write my email and password and my name on the game i click register but Nothing happens pls fix this problem !!!!

Hi! Unfortunately it is impossible to work on 32 bit version of the account. The account works only on x64 version.

You can also play on PC via Yandex.Games OR Playhop directly in your browse. In the web version of the game, all features are available, including accounts.

I Play It On Playhop.

pls man add creat account on 32 bit i love this game plsss

Unfortunately it is technically impossible to do so

can you want help me ?pls

(1 edit)

why did you make the imposter ai cant hide inside the table and vent? 

Gamemode idea: Add a "Flashlight Gamemode online" where 1 player is randomly selected to use the flashlight from single player to take down the imposter online and there is a shoot button instead so its not auto and if they flashlight astronaunt attacks a crewmate they both die and there is no meetings and the imposter can throw fireballs with a 10 second cool down and they win when all crewmates are dead and when the flashlight crewmate dies ANY OTHER CREWMATE can pick up the flashlight near their body and become the new flashlight crewmate also add non ghost spectating for this mode AND JUMPING this was inspired by murder mystery 2 on roblox search it and learn more about it on wiki or something!


Hello! SnowBat development team, your game has potential and I would recommend considering your community's suggestions and incorporating them into the game as long as they improve the gameplay. Here are my suggestions; I hope you like them.

Add rain:

When creating a room or, better yet, a "Server", add an option under "Scary Mode" called "Enable Rain". When clicked, the selected map would have gray particle effects that simulate rain, accompanied by ambient rain sounds. This addition would improve “Scary Mode” by combining elements. Of course, this option would not be available for the SS12 map since it is set on a spaceship.


Sometimes when I create a room or "server", a player with a YouTube icon appears, which brings me to this idea. Why not add icons to the store? There could be at least 10 icons, such as Discord, WiFi, Microphone,, among others, excluding YouTube to avoid confusion. Players can earn these icons through specific actions, for example by commenting on to get the icon or by joining a Discord server to get the Discord icon. Others can be obtained through in-game currencies.

Camera roll:

As players walk, introduce camera movement, which would be perfect for the game. It would be a good idea to improve this mechanic, for example by increasing the sway when running.

I hope you'll consider incorporating some of my ideas. Have a nice day! Bye bye.


Gamemode idea: Add a "Flashlight Gamemode online" where 1 player is randomly selected to use the flashlight from single player to take down the imposter online and there is a shoot button instead so its not auto and if they flashlight astronaunt attacks a crewmate they both die and there is no meetings and the imposter can throw fireballs with a 10 second cool down and they win when all crewmates are dead and when the flashlight crewmate dies ANY OTHER CREWMATE can pick up the flashlight near their body and become the new flashlight crewmate also add non ghost spectating for this mode AND JUMPING this was inspired by murder mystery 2 on roblox search it and learn more about it on wiki or something!


Gamemode idea: Add a "Flashlight Gamemode online" where 1 player is randomly selected to use the flashlight from single player to take down the imposter online and there is a shoot button instead so its not auto and if they flashlight astronaunt attacks a crewmate they both die and there is no meetings and the imposter can throw fireballs with a 10 second cool down and they win when all crewmates are dead and when the flashlight crewmate dies ANY OTHER CREWMATE can pick up the flashlight near their body and become the new flashlight crewmate also add non ghost spectating for this mode AND JUMPING this was inspired by murder mystery 2 on roblox search it and learn more about it on wiki or something!

i got idea can you add like i can play as imposter in singleplayer and add soundtest

(1 edit)

Why not add "Impostor Conditions"? (Basically, make an Impostor have a chance of being either deaf or blind, blind wouldn't see crewnates, but would literally track them down with the mere click of a flashlight and deaf don't have access to the map's Crewnate tracking function, but have an ability to temporarily see Crewnates through walls.), some more spice when looking through the cameras (Static effect and some buzzing.), perhaps some actual hands in the characters and the ability to go prone? (In case you can't hide under anything, you can hide from the Imposter that way.) and change the Sprint to a stamina meter?

Thanks for the ideas, a small effect when switching cameras will be added in the next update. I can't afford voice chat for now due to financial and technical aspects. 

Hm, yeah... Scratch voice chat for now, after all, there's Discord.

Why not also add a slight VHS effect while looking at the cameras? It feels... So clean, so empty, it needs, like i said, S.P.I.C.E!

Somehow Probably Incredible Cool Effect

This will be in the next bugfix

Hi can you put macos version please


Hi, there is no mac version yet, I will think about developing it, but you can play in browser

hello i found a bug in the shop sometimes the shop delete all i buy please fix this

Can you tell me under what conditions the skins disappeared? What did you do? And what are these skins?

i have been buy all squid game skins and i was go inside the old version and then back to this new version and next day  i enter my email and go to shop i found my skins is locked what you think? 

Email and we'll try to get your skins back to you. 

(1 edit)

:SnowBat Please add time travel to single player and at least 3 crewmate bots and you can go to the past and destroy an evil robot to make a good peaceful future and the imposter is much weaker and good decorations and there is only 1 imposter and if you don't destroy the robot generators in the past then you go to the future everything is ruined imposters are everywhere and singing in the background and there are multiple imposters and the place is polluted and destroyed and 77% of the bot crewmates are dead on the floor but you can still defeat the imposter and go back to the present and past to fix stuff in the past for good future you have to walk past a past, present or future signpost and keep running for at least 6 seconds and if you stop running within 6 seconds it disables the time travel there are around 7 signpost of the same type for each map and you win when you and the bot crewmates destroy the imposter also add music for different time states and add a 3rd single player game mode which is called "Time Travel" which is the flashlight one but with bot crewmates and time travel I'm sorry if I'm overwhelming you but this would surely make mine and other players day better this was inspired from a game called "Sonic CD" I recommend you check it out first before adding my ideas I guess!!!!!! Have a great day SnowBat and everyone else also add friend request pls it was in the plans remember?! Also allow signing out on PC too just like mobile! Bye Developer! Sir!

Hi. There are no space bots planned for the game yet. Friends list and the ability to add to friends - is in the plans for future updates, but can not promise when. Account login only works in x64 version of the game. Or you can play in the browser in Yandex Games


I have a feeling that'd sort of overwhelm mobile devices.

Plus, the game has no real lore and it's good like that! So it may stay without lore, it's just Among Us in 3D.

If you watch videos on youtube and look closely at some details in the game, you can make up a little lore :)

There Is Some Lore On The Clipboards

  (DAY 15 OF ASKING):SnowBat Please add time travel to single player and at least 3 crewmate bots and you can go to the past and destroy an evil robot to make a good peaceful future and the imposter is much weaker and good decorations and there is only 1 imposter and if you don't destroy the robot generators in the past then you go to the future everything is ruined imposters are everywhere and singing in the background and there are multiple imposters and the place is polluted and destroyed and 77% of the bot crewmates are dead on the floor but you can still defeat the imposter and go back to the present and past to fix stuff in the past for good future you have to walk past a past, present or future signpost and keep running for at least 6 seconds and if you stop running within 6 seconds it disables the time travel there are around 7 signpost of the same type for each map and you win when you and the bot crewmates destroy the imposter also add music for different time states and add a 3rd single player game mode which is called "Time Travel" which is the flashlight one but with bot crewmates and time travel I'm sorry if I'm overwhelming you but this would surely make mine and other players day better this was inspired from a game called "Sonic CD" I recommend you check it out first before adding my ideas I guess!!!!!! Have a great day SnowBat and everyone else also add friend request pls it was in the plans remember?! Also allow signing out on PC too just like mobile! Bye Developer! Sir!

ok this is good games 

iam chinese


SnowBat awesome Job on this game I love your Among US game


I had to play some more of this game. I'm really enjoying it and looking forward to future updates

Cool, thank you! :)

SnowBat Please add time travel to single player and at least 3 crewmate bots and you can go to the past and destroy an evil robot to make a good peaceful future and the imposter is much weaker and good decorations and there is only 1 imposter and if you don't destroy the robot generators in the past then you go to the future everything is ruined imposters are everywhere and singing in the background and there are multiple imposters and the place is polluted and destroyed and 77% of the bot crewmates are dead on the floor but you can still defeat the imposter and go back to the present and past to fix stuff in the past for good future you have to walk past a past, present or future signpost and keep running for at least 6 seconds and if you stop running within 6 seconds it disables the time travel there are around 7 signpost of the same type for each map and you win when you and the bot crewmates destroy the imposter also add music for different time states and add a 3rd single player game mode which is called "Time Travel" which is the flashlight one but with bot crewmates and time travel I'm sorry if I'm overwhelming you but this would surely make mine and other players day better this was inspired from a game called "Sonic CD" I recommend you check it out first before adding my ideas I guess!!!!!! Have a great day SnowBat and everyone else also add friend request pls it was in the plans remember?! Also allow signing out on PC too just like mobile! Bye Developer! Sir!


ありがとうございました!ゲームを気に入っていただけてうれしいです :)

(1 edit)

also can you back the first music in the game please

Which music? Menu? Background while in game?

the music from version 4.0.2

   SnowBat Please add time travel to single player and at least 3 crewmate bots and you can go to the past and destroy an evil robot to make a good peaceful future and the imposter is much weaker and good decorations and there is only 1 imposter and if you don't destroy the robot generators in the past then you go to the future everything is ruined imposters are everywhere and singing in the background and there are multiple imposters and the place is polluted and destroyed and 77% of the bot crewmates are dead on the floor but you can still defeat the imposter and go back to the present and past to fix stuff in the past for good future you have to walk past a past, present or future signpost and keep running for at least 6 seconds and if you stop running within 6 seconds it disables the time travel there are around 7 signpost of the same type for each map and you win when you and the bot crewmates destroy the imposter also add music for different time states and add a 3rd single player game mode which is called "Time Travel" which is the flashlight one but with bot crewmates and time travel I'm sorry if I'm overwhelming you but this would surely make mine and other players day better this was inspired from a game called "Sonic CD" I recommend you check it out first before adding my ideas I guess!!!!!! Have a great day SnowBat and everyone else also add friend request pls it was in the plans remember?! Also allow signing out on PC too just like mobile! Bye Developer! Sir!

(3 edits) (+1)

can you back levels please and add menu for music and like i can change the background too please add it:) 

I agree with this, the levels weren't so bad after all. They removed this because they needed something less weight in the game :(

(2 edits)

SnowBat Please add time travel to single player and at least 3 crewmate bots and you can go to the past and destroy an evil robot to make a good peaceful future and the imposter is much weaker and good decorations and there is only 1 imposter and if you don't destroy the robot generators in the past then you go to the future everything is ruined imposters are everywhere and singing in the background and there are multiple imposters and the place is polluted and destroyed and 77% of the bot crewmates are dead on the floor but you can still defeat the imposter and go back to the present and past to fix stuff in the past for good future you have to walk past a past, present or future signpost and keep running for at least 6 seconds and if you stop running within 6 seconds it disables the time travel there are around 7 signpost of the same type for each map and you win when you and the bot crewmates destroy the imposter also add music for different time states and add a 3rd single player game mode which is called "Time Travel" which is the flashlight one but with bot crewmates and time travel I'm sorry if I'm overwhelming you but this would surely make mine and other players day better this was inspired from a game called "Sonic CD" I recommend you check it out first before adding my ideas I guess!!!!!! Have a great day SnowBat and everyone else also add friend request pls it was in the plans remember?! Also allow signing out on PC too just like mobile! Bye Developer! Sir!

Hey everyone, the game is going through some tough times right now. If you make a youtube video and post it, it will help the game a lot :) Also it will help to stay free PC version of the game.

Love the game! Is there anywhere I can be able to contact you please if I wish to speak? Thanks!

Hi, you can email

Thanks! I emailed you :)


It's cool to see an Among Us game in 3D. Also, the Imposter killing animation looks fantastic!!! Great game!!!

Thanks! :)


Good game! I enjoyed the game & it really makes me nostalgic to play it in a different style. Looking forward to your next project... :)

Cool! Thank you :)


Had to play so more of this game. Really enjoying the online game modes.

Thanks! :)


It's amazing!


Thank you! :)


nice for playing with friends 


im glad for make this fun :D


This is brilliant! I couldn’t put this game down. I love how it made me jump, made me anxious, made me immediately restart and try again when I died. I’m not a developer, I’m a musician looking to get music into games. I’m researching what games require of music, how it’s used to fit the mood of the gameplay etc. Would love to work on a game like this. 


It is really a great 3D game, Dev. Good job!!! :-D

It was really smooth when the astronaut walked or ran but the flashlight sometimes didn't affect the imposter. I don't know why... Is it should be close enough? Here is my 5 minutes+ gameplay. Thank you for making this game. Enjoy~

Thank you! :) Indeed, the flashlight mode has some bugs.

Oh... So it was a real bug. Okay than. It was fun playing this game :-D. 


This game is amazing I love it!

Thanks! :)

у меня не получается зарегистрироваться что делать

К сожалению аккаунты работают только в х64 версии игры

как скачать игру на пк?

В течении часа появится новая версия

Hello where I can find old music from menu? :(


(2 edits)

Where do i send suggestions (And bug reports)?

You can do it here, or in Discord.

(2 edits)

Ok then! Because i have a (not really) little list...

  • Why not add something like death screams to add more immersion and make the game scarier?
  • Honestly the Imposter's model looks realistic comparing it to the cosmonauts'
  • (Bug report) I can't remove the backpack sticker.
  • Why not give the flashlight an ON model, with the bulb white?
  • (Bug report..? Idk) For some reason, during the Imposter kill animation, the background shifts to the space skybox
  • Why not make the kill animation serverside?
  • Some more suit colors maybe? (Oh, and i also forgot to say, why not add 'plain' visor colors that don't show transparent eyes behind?)
  • (Little question) Why did the cosmonaut model (Specially the Among Us-like visor) change? Was it for copyright issues? Because i've seen things like that before.
  • (Another question i guess) The cat ear hat doesn't look like in the photo...
  • (3rd and hopefully last question) Many things such as some maps (E.g: City 16) are not available on the singleplayer mode. Why is that?

That's all. Thanks for reading!

Thanks for the ideas and comments. About bugs:

1- The sticker bug is now fixed in the latest version 9.4.8

2. During the kill the space background is normal, in the future I hope I can redo it so that the animation is on the location where everything happens.

In general some of the flaws and limitations of the game are due to the fact that it is primarily for mobile devices, for PC the only advantage so far is the higher resolution textures.

Ok! Thanks. The PC's limited advantages are probably for better mobile/PC crossplay and i get it!

(1 edit)

I also added some more things to the list, but they're just preferences/nitpicks, so it's ok if you don't add them!

ok thank you :)

* Many things such as some maps (E.g: City 16) are not available on the singleplayer mode. Why is that?

These maps are not in the single-player game because they take up a lot of space in the final game size (this again refers to the fact that the game is primarily for mobile devices). The Lab map is not in the single-player game because the imposter can't jump and it would look weird.

* Was it for copyright issues?


(+1) works I guess. It doesn't work when I try running it as a shortcut but there it is, it works when I open the folder on it. No more crash.(I will report other issues if something happens in the future)

ok good

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